Meet us at NADA

Learn about an innovative new product to sell more vehicles by qualifying sub-prime buyers at low rates without a cosigner.

Available to auto dealers, agents, and 3rd party administrators in Texas, Oklahoma, Illinois, and Michigan. Request a time to meet with us at NADA in New Orleans.

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NADA January 2025 Promo

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ASAP Thin Credit Auto Loan Program

Hear from Carl and Jay about an exciting opportunity.

ASAP Agent Outreach

A special message for automotive sales agents.

Delivering Solutions for Auto Dealers

Consulting Expertise

Wisdom from100+ years of automotive industry experience between Jay & Carl

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Who are Jay & Carl?

Carl Alexander, who is considered the Founding Father of Extended Warranties in the automotive industry.

Carl Alexander

Carl is considered the Founding Father of Extended Warranties in the automotive industry. As an aggressive negotiator with a strong acumen for legal issues, including contractual and compliance, his extensive background encompasses sales and marketing, operations, communication and coordination with underwriting, risk management, claims, loss control, premium processing, employee development, and customer relationship management. Carl specializes in facilitating connections between auto dealers, agents, administrators, insurers and reinsurers.

Connect with Carl
Email Carl Alexander Carl Alexander's LinkedIn Profile

Jay Gillette

Playfully touted as “The Godfather of F&I”, Jay is a veteran in the automotive industry with over 50 years of experience in finance and insurance. Founder of Jay G Consulting and SWG Invesments, he has elevated sales, transformed startups, and radically (grown) revenue for numerous companies. An avid networker, storyteller, and sales manager extraordinaire, Jay thrives on opportunities to work with companies looking to expand their footprint and heighten their success.

Connect with Carl
Email Jay Gillette Jay Gillette's LinkedIn Profile
Jay Gillette, playfully touted as "The Godfather of F&I"